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The Saga

The Student News Site of Pleasant Valley High School

The Saga

The Saga

Dear Destiny: Where Can I Find a Clan?

Dear Destiny: Where Can I Find a Clan?

Dear Destiny March 10, 2025

Dear Destiny,    Lately,  school has felt tense.   Due to recent events, I do not feel like I can be my true self on campus. I know we are supposed to be “open-minded” as Vikings...

Dear Destiny, How Can I Hold On Until Finals?

Dear Destiny December 10, 2024

Dear Destiny,  Since the end of this semester is coming up and we have two breaks so close together, how should I manage my time and find motivation to continue doing my work? Busy Bee    Dear...

Festive decorations at Lowe's, ready for the winter holiday season

Dear Destiny, How do I Balance Family and Friends During the Holidays?

Dear Destiny November 10, 2024

Dear Destiny,  I am nervous because the holidays are around the corner and my family always feels like I spend too much time with my friends and not enough time with them. I don’t feel this is true...

Dear Destiny, What are Some Halloween Ideas if You Don't Want to Go Trick-or-treating?

Dear Destiny, What are Some Halloween Ideas if You Don’t Want to Go Trick-or-treating?

Dear Destiny October 10, 2024

Dear Destiny,  What are some Halloween hangout ideas if you don’t want to go trick or treating? Sincerely,  Seeker of Spooks    Dear Seeker of Spooks, There are so many different...

What are some suggestions that you have for a “Sunday Reset”?

What are some suggestions that you have for a “Sunday Reset”?

Dear Destiny, Advice Columnist May 10, 2024

Dear Destiny,    What are some suggestions that you have for a “Sunday Reset”?    Sincerely, Overworked  Dear Overworked, I really resonate with the need for a Sunday...

Dear Destiny, How do I ask someone to Prom?

Dear Destiny, How do I ask someone to Prom?

Dear Destiny April 10, 2024

Dear Destiny,  I want to ask someone to Prom, but I don't know how. What are some suggestions? Sincerely,  Head Over Heels  Dear Head Over Heels,  I think a lot of people are thinking...

Dear Destiny, How do I Start to Talk to People More and Make Conversation?

Dear Destiny, How do I Start to Talk to People More and Make Conversation?

Dear Destiny, Advice Columnist November 10, 2023

Dear Destiny, How do I start to talk to people more/make conversation? Sincerely,  Wishing for Words Dear Wishing for Words, When I first saw your question, I wasn’t quite sure what I...

Dear Destiny, How Do I Balance School and Mental Health?

Dear Destiny, How Do I Balance School and Mental Health?

Dear Destiny, Advice Columnist October 10, 2023

Dear Destiny,   Me and many other people I know often struggle with the workload of AP classes, clubs, and even jobs and end up with so many things to do that it's hard to make time for self...

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Dear Destiny