Opening Doors With College Connections
College Connections is a program offered at Butte College for seniors to get a glimpse of what college life would be like. It allows seniors to take their senior year at Butte College while taking college classes at the same time.
There are many benefits to starting college earlier. You are able to get a lot of new information about college that it may take others years to learn. The classes you take will be a mixture of courses for your senior year and college classes for credits. Every senior in College Connections takes a required course with their region manager, who guides them through the year and introduces them to life in college in the course. Elaine Ellsmore is the regional manager for Chico High, Pleasant Valley High, and Oakbridge. In an interview with Ellsmore, she says, “[I am] a cross between a counselor and a teacher. The education you’ll get is very similar to the typical high school experience, but there are more options for classes. The program especially helps if you know what you want to do after college and really allows you to get a head start toward your future.”
However, for potential College Connection students, many are scared of losing their typical high school experience. In the program, you can still join high school sports and other extracurriculars after school. Although you are a registered student at Butte, and are able to take advantage of its student benefits, you are still a student at PV. Tina Thao, one of the current seniors in College Connections, says, “I really think that if anyone is on the fence about joining then they should go for it… it’s an incredible opportunity for anyone who wants to take an early next step.” This program is important because it allows students to choose their own paths, which gives them the opportunity to start working towards the career of their choosing earlier than other students.
For those who are interested in applying for College Connections, here is the College Connections pamphlet for the Class of 2024, with contact information for Elaine Ellsmore:
Tochi Ihekwoeme is a sophomore who wanted to join the newspaper to get to really know his school. He's excited to write about people who are underrepresented....