Freshmen Share their New Experiences from School


Makenna Wines

Many new PV students came to the Freshmen Tailgate in September to play games and eat burgers!

PVHS introduces a new freshman class to add to our bunch of students and they are more than eager to start their high school journey. But coming to high school is a huge jump from their previous classes since high school is more vigorous than previous classes. Yet, everyone has major difficulties when starting high school.

“I’d say keeping up with school work,” Hannah Khan said, squinting her eyebrows like it was a difficult question to answer. “Especially math.” 

Many PVHS students are even engaged in a number of extracurricular activities. Especially sports in this school. Most of the freshmen are engaging themselves in a number of sports and are trying to balance school work on top of it. So is that the most difficult part of becoming a high school student so far?

When asking Taylor Perry this question, she exclaimed with “Oh my gosh! That’s such a good question,” deep in thought she answered “… probably juggling homework with sports. I-It’s pretty difficult.”

When asking which sports she plays she answered with, “Tennis. So I wake up really early,” she cringed thinking about her morning wake-up calls.

Other freshmen have expressed their views upon Perry’s struggle, also strongly agreeing with her answer. Stefhania Gonzalez, another athlete, and freshman agrees with Perry.

She commented, “Probably homework and sports. I’m in gymnastics,” she replied nonchalantly.

Nellie Perkins also agrees with her other friends. Replying with, “Uhm… probably having to do sports and study with tests and exams,” Perkins answered hesitantly like she may have something to add. “I play cheer… I mean I do Chico Cheer!,” she responded, laughing at her incorrect answer.

Ultimately, the number one difficulty freshmen are facing so far is balancing both their schoolwork and their extracurricular activities. But looking at the new faces we have joining PVHS, they’ll do just fine.