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The Student News Site of Pleasant Valley High School

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Butte, California Contempla Aumentar Considerablemente Las Vacunas de Refuerzo contra El COVID-19

Emely Perez-Olvera, Staff Writer October 8, 2021

Con una cantidad enorme de pobladores en Butte County, California, programados para ser elegibles para un refuerzo de la vacuna contra el Covid-19, Butte se está preparando para incrementar radicalmente...

Quarantine Proves Challenging for Students and their Academics

Quarantine Proves Challenging for Students and their Academics

Yulisa Guzman-Rangel, Staff Writer October 8, 2021

The start of this new school year fills the campus with new and familiar faces but with this influx of students and longer school days, quarantining seems to come at a higher expense. More and more students...

Image from Stockvault

COVID and Mental Health Plagues Young People

Alex Hasty, Staff Writer October 8, 2021

Mental health is something that has plagued young people for years. What about now? Our community has had some pretty heavy hits over the last few years. There has been so much going on that, for the...

COVID on the Rise at PV

COVID on the Rise at PV

Tina Thao, Designer October 7, 2021

COVID-19 has been a serious issue since March of 2020 and is a progressing issue at PV. In August, Chico Unified School District collectively had 192 cases with PV making up 46 of those cases. PV...

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