California Scholarship Federation Welcomes Freshmen
February CSF meeting
In the spring semester of school, all students at PVHS become eligible to participate in California Scholastic Federation (CSF). During the fall, only freshmen who were members of the California Junior Scholastic Federation(CJSF) in junior high were able to join the club.
The influx of new freshmen changes the dynamic in CSF and there is a sense of unfamiliarity. Senior Ethan Truong, CSF President stated, “Especially since they canceled CJSF at the junior highs, adding new faces from the freshman class will definitely be a change to the club .”
CSF provides opportunities for students to be involved in their community and receive recognition for their academic achievements. Truong said, “It gives the freshman class a chance to be a part of something bigger and make a change in the world. ”
Active members are eligible to earn a sash and cords to wear at graduation to showcase their dedication to their community. To be an active member, students must submit an application of their grades and attend two meetings and participate in two sanctioned CSF community service events each semester.

Maya is a senior at PVHS and edited for the Saga in its debut year. She loves journalism and being involved with her community.

Makenna Wines (Class of 2023) is a senior, and this is her second year on The Saga. Last year, Makenna was the web designer for the club, and she really...