Halloween just passed, and Pleasant Valley High School students and staff celebrated in many different ways, but one thing was for sure- Halloween spirit is among us all. Everywhere a Halloween tradition could be seen, from jack-o-lanterns to Reeses to too-hot latex masks. Now that Halloween is over, the pumpkins are rotting, the chocolate is melted, and the decorations are in boxes; but we will keep the memories of another Hallows Eve.

One of PV’s Biology teachers, Ms. Hankins, said that on Halloween she “[took her] kid trick-or-treating over by Spyglass Road.” One of her favorite parts of Halloween is “seeing the little kids all dressed up and happy.” She didn’t dress up, but her daughter “[dressed] up as a ‘Toy Story’ Alien”. She usually decorates her house like a “haunted forest”, but she didn’t decorate outside this year due to rain.

Right: Giuli Bresciani (Henry Callahan)
Everyone enjoys pumpkin carving, but on Halloween, Ella Lloyd took it a step further when she “carved pumpkins this year and put [her] little sister into it.” Imagine if they jumped out at someone on Halloween, talk about catching people off ‘gourd’! Giuli Bresciani, a Freshman of PV, said that to celebrate Halloween she “[went] to [her] friend’s house and [rode] around on their golf cart and [went] trick-or-treating.” Both Ella and Giuli spent Halloween with friends, and before Halloween, Ella said she would dress up as a “pink cowgirl or giraffe”. Giuli said she would be an “animal or someone from a S.W.A.T. team.”

Everyone knows what traditions Halloween entails, things like pumpkin carving and apple bobbing, but the Turley family has their own traditions they like to celebrate on Halloween. Randal Turley said on Halloween they “go to Olive Garden [to] do the infinite pasta bowl” and that “every meal we have in October is themed around Halloween”. To decorate, he surprised his mom by putting “a bunch of pumpkins in their yard and some inflatables and lights to make it look good”.
Now that Halloween has concluded, it is clear that, no matter how one celebrates or who they celebrate with, everyone has the spirit of Halloween.